
วันอังคารที่ 4 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2557

The Lists of Risk Communities in Thailand

DDPM has prepared the lists of risk communities in Thailand.

When CBDRM organizer selects the communities to be conduted CBDRM activities, please refer this lists. The lists are separately prepared for each 17 Regional Center.

The lists are posted on the DDPM website below.

DDPM ได้จัดทำรายชื่อของชุมชนที่มีความเสี่ยงในประเทศไทย

เมื่อจัด CBDRM เลือกชุมชนที่จะ conduted กิจกรรม CBDRM โปรดดูรายการนี้. รายการที่จัดทำแยกต่างหากสำหรับแต่ละ 17 ศูนย์ภูมิภาค

รายการที่โพสต์บนเว็บไซต์ของ DDPM ด้านล่าง

CBDRM Facilitator Orientation Workshop on 28th February 2014

To introduce the revision of CBDRM Facilitator Guide, CBDRM Facilitator Orientation Workshop was conducted on 28th February 2014 as the last activity of the Project on Capacity Development in Disaster Management in Thailand Phase-2.

In the orientation workshop, directions of use of the guide in actual CBDRM workshop was instructed for the representative from each DPM provincial office.

The director of the Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Promotion Bureau said more involvement of local authorities in CBDRM is necessary to enhance disaster management in Thailand in his speech.

The Project Outputs Sustainability Seminar on 26th Feb 2014

The Project Outputs Sustainability Seminar was held on 26th Feb 2014 as the last overall seminar of the Project on Capacity Development in Disaster Management in Thailand Phase-2.

The project was conducted by DDPM, MOE and JICA. In this seminar, the representatives from all Task Forces (TF Disaster Management Planning, TF CBDRM, TF Disaster Management Training, TF Disaster Education, TF Flood Risk Management) presented the results of the project and explained how to sustain the project outputs in the panel discussion.

In terms of CBDRM, the chief of Public Perticipation Promotion Sub-Bureau of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Promotion Bureau of DDPM mentioned that they will try to secure budget for CBDRM but cooperation with local authorities is still important to keep and expand CBDRM activities in Thailand.

After the panel discuttion, 4 lecturers invited from Japan and Thailand gave lectures related to Disaster Management Structure, Disaster Education and CBDRM.

More than 200 people attended the seminar

Panel Discussion among the representatives of all Task Forces

Mr. Nagata, the representative of Japanese NPO Plus Arts.
He introduced disaster education activities with community support, "Iza! Kaeru Caravan" and  "Red Bear Survival Camp". They are already introduced and conducted in Thailand.

Dr. Matsuki from Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transportation and Tourism, Japan. He explained the importance of collaboration among Self-help, Mutual-help and Public-help.

Ms. Kondo from Nagoya University. She observed disaster education activities in this project since the project phase-1 started. She emphasized necessity of roles of communities in disaster education for school students.

Dr. Barames from Kasetsart University. He introduced the CBDRM activities conducted in the Project for flood countermeasures for Thailand agricultural sector.

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 27 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2557

CBDRM Manual and CBDRM Facilitator Guide prepared by DDPM and JICA

CBDRM Manual and CBDRM Facilitator Guide are now available online.

The Project on Capacity Development in Disaster Management (Phase-2) funded by JICA has trained more than 200 CBDRM Facilitators and they are conducting CBDRM activities for community people.

CBDRM manual is already used for CBDRM activities funded by DDPM. Recently, CBDRM Facilitator Guide prepared by JICA Expert Team has been translated and uploaded online.
CBDRM Facilitator Guide includes some presentation files to be used in CBDRM activities. They will help facilitators prepare CBDRM workshop. All of them are written in Thai but the English version of CBDRM Facilitator Guide is online, too.

CBDRM Manual for Community People (Thai)

CBDRM Facilitator Guide is designed to use with the manual and divided into 3 sections.
Section 1 is a guide how to facilitate actual CBDRM planning workshop with 2days. The minimum knowledge for conducting CBDRM planning workshop is explained here.
Section 2 is a textbook for CBDRM activities. When readers need to know more about CBDRM, this section will help them.
Section 3 provids general facilitation techniques and tips.

This guide complys with the result of discussion for revision of CBDRM Facilitator Guide in CBDRM Facilitator Workshop held in December 2012 at DPMA Pathum Thani.

CBDRM Facilitator Guide (Thai) (Revision)

powerpoint ส่วนที่ 0 หน้า 38.ppt

powerpoint ส่วนที่ 1 หน้า39-41.ppt

powerpoint ส่วนที่ 2 หน้า 42-43.pptx

powerpoint ส่วนที่ 3 หน้า 44-46.ppt

powerpoint ส่วนที่ 4 หน้า 47-49.ppt

powerpoint ส่วนที่ 5 หน้า50-51.ppt

powerpoint ส่วนที่ 6 หน้า 52-54.ppt

powerpoint ส่วนที่ 7 หน้า55.ppt

CBDRM Facilitator Guide (English) (Revision)